The RSPB is a charity, founded in 1889 and governed by a Council of volunteers. Our mission is to protect habitats, save species, and help to end the nature and climate emergency. Since the 1970s, we have managed an area of roughly 85% of the Insh Marshes. Today, RSPB Scotland employs a team of 10 people who, supported by a valued team of over 20 volunteers, trainees and interns, manage the nature reserve for wildlife, climate and people. As an organisation, we spend 90% of net income on conservation, public education and advocacy.
Key Contacts
Richard Fforde - Project Development Manager - River Restoration
Karen Birkby - Insh Marshes Site Manager
Cairngorms Connect is a partnership of neighbouring land-managers (Wildland Limited, RSPB Scotland, Forestry and Land Scotland and NatureScot), committed to a bold and ambitious 200-year vision to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across a vast area within the Cairngorms National Park.
With an ambitious 200-year vision, Cairngorms Connect is delivering an array of proposals to deliver benefits for nature, climate and people including at RSPB Insh Marshes, where the RSPB are developing a shared vision for a natural floodplain,
Key Contacts
Sydney Henderson - Communications and Involvement Manager
Chiara Alagia - Community Ranger
AECOM brings industry leading experience and expertise in hydrology, geomorphology, and river and catchment management. AECOM is working with the RSPB and Cairngorms Connect to deliver improvement to the rivers and floodplain at the Reserve, providing designs which ensure works at RSPB Scotland Insh Marshes meet the necessary criteria to achieve consent in line with Scottish Government guidelines. We are working with Dynamic Rivers, an award winning environmental consultancy dedicated to naturalising river and floodplain valley margin form and functioning.
Key Contacts
Sally Homoncik - River Restoration Specialist
George Heritage - Dynamic Rivers - River Restoration Specialist